RxAG Floats

How RxAG Floats spent 180 hours of sweating, hammering and painting turning scraps into colourful, whimsical BACK TO OUR ROOTS structures

Bob the builder CAN WE FIX IT???? Bob the builder YES WE CAN!!!! This nostalgic childhood theme song was one of the songs added into the floats Spotify playlist, and it aptly sums up the whole experience!

Creative Artists!

Wonder what’s the final product?

Hardworking Engineers!

Think it and they’ll fix it!

Building gigantic, detailed and artistic structures is not easy, but for the floats crew – our very own Bob the Builder – it is without a doubt that they managed to do it. After months of ideating on the designs and storyline, from late June, our freshies and seniors alike came together to start working on all the masterpieces planned out for RAG! Each structure was manually screwed and hammered together, before manually measuring and cutting the cardboard to be tied to the structures, and then manually drawing and painting the designs to make all the ideas come to live. 

It may seem to you reader as a simple job, but with the rush for time and complex designs planzned out, coupled with just how tedious it is to complete multiple structures, it was surely no easy feat. However, with everyone working on it together, enjoying the process and making new friends along the way, it proved to be a tough but yet fulfilling process for all!


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