A NUSPS Inter-professional education committee aims to bring Inter-professional opportunities to the Pharmacy student body by organising Interprofessional Enrichment Activities (IEA). We also inculcate key values in students such as Teamwork, Roles and Responsibilities, Communication, Learning and Reflection, Ethical Practice and lastly Patient, Family and Community Focus.
NUSPS IPE organises SPOTS Inter-healthcare Workshop, Learning Other Languages classes and Fit. Fun. Fruits. (FFF) annually, often involving different healthcare faculty from NUS, NTU and SIT such as NUS Social work, NUS Dentistry, NTU Medicine, SIT Occupational Therapy and more. As the healthcare sector often revolves around an inter-professional team, IPE provides opportunities for the student body to start working with other healthcare professions early and clear up any misconceptions they might have.
Who are we?
Our Events
Our Team
Inter-Professional Education Director
64th Executive Committee
National University of Singapore Pharmaceutical Society