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UROPs Sharing

Hi Pharmily✨✨!

Have an interest in research 📝📝 but not sure how to get started? Wanted to know more about UROPS (Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme in Science) but not sure who to reach out to? Come join us in our UROPS and Research Opportunities Sharing to get the answers to your questions🤩🤩!

The sharing will be held on Zoom on the 11th of January (Wed) from 8:00 - 9.30 pm. The sharing is open to all Y1-2 Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science students. Scan the QR code in the poster to sign-up or sign-up here ( 🙌🏻🙌🏻

Sign-up closes on 8th January 2359 so hesitate no more🥳🥳! Feel free to contact us at or telegram @thaddeuschee if you have any queries.

62nd Academic Committee

11 January

UROPS and Research Opportunities Sharing

14 January

SPOTS 2023