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Welfare Pack Packing And Distribution

Welfare Committee

The semesterly Welfare Pack event is an initiative where exam welfare packs are distributed to Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science students before their Reading Week and Finals. These Welfare Packs include: A selection of snacks and beverages, NUSPS merchandise and House Merch items procured by the NUSPS Houses. All of these aims to motivate students and provide them with an energy boost to study for their upcoming finals. Earlier during Recess Week, to prevent wastage of any resources, we had sent in an interest form in the NUSPS Telegram Channel and the website for students to indicate their interest for the Welfare Pack.

With the easing of COVID-19 measures and school life going back to normal, we want to push for more physical events and increase the presence of the welfare and house committee by providing welfare packs every semester.

This workshop is organised by by Albert Lin (Welfare Director), Siau Hwee Teng (Vice-Director), Faith Chee (Vice-Director) and the welfare Committee.

10 November

Welfare Pack Collection

6 December

Procter x Galen x Pasteur RunningMan