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June Summer Break Engagement


During the first part of the Summer break in June, beneficiary engagement activities were conducted with the children at LCSS to provide holistic activities for the children during their June holidays, as well as to create fond memories with them in their education journey. Activities such as Science and storytelling workshops, and sessions where children got to make their own lung models, sock puppet and heat-shrink keychain were conducted. Both Flag volunteers and the children thoroughly enjoyed the sessions. The handicraft session was exceptionally very well-received as the children got to take home the souvenirs. Other than engaging with the children, Flag also hopes to inculcate the spirit of volunteering amongst the student volunteers and inspire them to give back to the community in the future.

The Science Backyard, Handicrafts and Sock Puppet activities were conducted within the LCSS education centres, while Fish “Pharm” was conducted at a nearby multipurpose court due to the physical nature of the activity. Depending on the activity, volunteers were either paired or put into groups of 4-5 with the children, but all groupings always had a volunteer-child ratio of at least 1:2.

1 June


2 June

LOL 2023